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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1st month of 2011

I didn't make it to wish everyone Happy New Year and didn't make it to recap what have I achieve last year and to pen odown my resolution for this year. LOL..I'm so so left out. I don't want this year goes through without any resolution. Recently, I see my friends they all achieve pretty much and I'm happy for them. Their work hard pay off for them.

Ok la, back to the topic. I felt early of year is 'not going like I thought' it would be.

aihz, early of the month of Jan get sick till now! I have never MC more than 1 day in a year in my job but this year, broke my record. Early of the year, MC for 3 days. (WTH!!) I'm feeling so so so so so weak.. currently having sore throat and having sexy man voice. haha..(wishing myself can get well I mean fully well before CNY cause I want too eat junk food!!)

Tendered resignation letter early of the month then management transfer me to other department as he know I want to spend more time on my study. (how can I concentrate on my study when everyday need to work till 10 pm) I give it a try but don't know why, I feel it is just the same. I still need to work till 8 or 9 if I want to finish all the work without leaving so much backlog. Haihz..

My class starting this Sat n Sun, feeling anxious. But have to prepare to do assignment which it is never ending. LOL..Going to burn midnight oil soon. Gosh Gosh.. Panda and swollen eyes coming soon..

AS for my personal like, so far so good=D but sometime got up ad down. Still having loving mummy daddy and my 3 supreme annoying but lovely sisters. HAHa.. Still got my understanding and loving me bf with me..hehe..

Okie la, till here 1st.
Take care folks
Listening to SNSD-Run Chicken Run (I loves their dance and style)

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