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Sunday, December 19, 2010

This morning, I suppose to go hiking but I didn't go cause sista not going then nobody will wait for a youth who have a nanny stamina (I think nanny stamina is better than me leh) *haihz*
Mummy won't wait for me cause she can go up the hill very fast. I mean it. Shame shame on me. Even mummy stamina is better than me.

Anyway, later 2pm I will be going out with my dear. Thinking what shall I wear le. Don't have much choices le. Zosh, need to change my wardrobe already. Need to get more shirts and one piece dresses. Need to get some inspire from other ppl or magazine for my fashion sense. Lol.

Last Sunday, I watch The Chronicles of Narnia , The Voyage of The Dawn Treader!
As I were thought 4 of the children will be going back to Narnia but this time only Edmund and Lucy and their arrogant cousin, Eustace who doesn't believe in Narnia going back to Narnia through a paint and meet with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard a royal ship The Dawn Treader.. This time is about saving one of Narnia's country folks that have been scarified for unknown fog at the sea. Along the way before reach the edge of the world, they have encounter with dragon, merfolk, dwarves, a group of lost warriors, wizard and etc.

For those who haven't watch Narnia, I'm sure you don't want to miss this movie. A good movie for family and kids.

*I get these photo from google.

Okie la, I need to prepare now.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


This morning went to dental appointment before go to work.
And guess what?
Finally and officially I can't bite too hard food already.
Few months earlier,only my top tooth have braces but today my bottom tooth have braces.
It was not as pain as I heard from other people but my tooth was numb and hardly to bite a food.
Since my bottom tooth just have braces and not so numb so I decided to have lunch with my dear at Sushi King before I can't bite a sushi..LOL.. and also release my stress on FOOD! Haihz..(That why I keep on gaining weight and hardly to lose weight.)
As at now, (night) my bottom tooth starting to feel numb and those braces is making my mouth seems like swollen..LOL..I starting worry either I can bite or not tomorrow for Christmas Dinner with dear.

Tomorrow I'm going to get my phone after survey and dilemma for a week what phone I should buy. I decided to get C6 and I can't wait to get it on hand! But today dear's friend said the phone not so good so tomorrow need to choose again =(. What phone should I get.? Wondering again..hmm

Dear at his colleague wedding dinner and I stay at home watching NTV7 live concert with sista and mummy while online blogging. Ting Dang is performing. Hope she will sing one of my favorite song. =D Yeah, she really sing my favorite song. Wo Ai Ta. Soundtrack for The Next Station, Happiness. A taiwan drama with a touching story line with great actor and actress.

Tomorrow morning I will be hiking with mummy and sista!
Need to build up my stamina since very very very very very long time didn't exercise already. I think got 2 or 3 years.
When mummy know I am joining her tomorrow, she ask me not to follow =( .
Cause she need to wait me since I will stop at few station or place.
Cause I need to gain all my energy and breath before I can keep on hiking. If not, I will faint...Adui!!
See, that is my stamina. I need to build back stamina then maintain.

2 weeks later will be year end and it is the time for us including myself to review what we have gain and done entire year and need to set target or resolution for nx year. Need to pen down a list..

Ok. this is my recent update of myself and I am out of idea.
So till here=D
Night folks!
*Sleep early and wake up early,, good for health*

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rapunzel Rapunzel, please let down your hair

Rapunzel Rapunzel, please let down your hair.

Yesterday night, my sisters and I went to watch Rapunzel at Ampang, Galaxy.
The movie been on cinema for about month but now only we watch. We are so outdated,lol. We reach there late cause I off late and we miss out few minutes of the cartoon. Anyway, the hall was full of people as we are expecting will be having less people. This fairy tale story was upgraded and adapted to nowadays style as they are animated into barbie doll style and the cartoon was colorful. Overall,this movie was funny and romantic (based on youngest sis's testimonial). **Thumb up*

Baby Rapunzel was kidnapped from the castle by Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel knew flower's magical power will grow within Rapunzel's golden blonde hair after Rapunzel receive the healing from a magical power and Mother Gothel locks her up in a hidden tower in order to use the flower's magical power to stay young. As she turn into a beautiful teenager girl, her hair grew 70 feet long. For all her life, she grow up in the hidden castle and she never went out. Window is the only way for her to look at the outside world. Her life start to change when a bandit named Flynn Rider came into her castle and captivated by Rapunzel. Rapunzel make a deal with this charming bandit, Flynn to become her tour guide to the place where the floating lantern she saw every year on her birthday and in exchange he can find his belonging in the tower. A few minutes later, Rapunzel step out from her tower and about to have a exciting journey of her life at outside world where she never go to..

The Rapunzel story was different with the fairy tale Rapunzel that we used to heard or read where Rapunzel was rescued by a prince charming from the witch and live happily ever after.

This Tangled was a modern fairy tale and it is a nice movie to watch. So for those Disney and fairy tale lover, don't forget to watch this movie asap before it is not on cinema anymore.

Let me end this post with

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Imma living without handphone at the moment

AS mentioned at previous blog, I have been neglect my blog for a year.
So I will update about my condition at the moment.

Imma handphone have been stolen by pick pocket but luckily my purse was not stolen as it is big enough for him to steal. LOL.
You all must be asking how do I know it is HIM that stole my h/p. Cause I called many times and the 1st time, he picked up and I can hear his voice.

Now,all my contact number is lost and photo too!! Haihz..
so to all my friends, kindly email me ur hp num, domo arigatou!

So the morale of the incident is,

1) Beware of pick pocket whenever you are especially the place was pack with ppl

2) If you are taking sling bag, please place it in front of your body instead at ur back as ur back don't have any extra eyes to help you cover ur bag ( for ur info, my sling bag was place at behind and I didn't notice it was open until my mummy inform me know)
For those using handbag, please don't swing ur handbag around as it was creating attention from other ppl and always look after ur handbag.

3) I have a bad habit which is never zip my bag, so remember to ZIP ur bag!

*It have been 2 days, Imma living without h/p. (Who said ppl nowadays can't lives without h/p? I CAN!!) Even though it is hard cause I can't sms with my bf, friends, have to look for contact num manually, have to find public phone and house phone to call anyone. Gosh , it making me like living in my F1 life. LOL.
Anyway, Imma looking for a handphone. (Still thinking)

Flip, push up or normal?
Nokia or SE? (I want Blackberry but limited budget..LOL)

Shall I take N E72 or SE Yari or SE Aino..?? Or any hp can recommend? Need some feedback le..hiahz.
Dilemma-ing now..

It is time for me to get beauty sleep now. Nightie, ppl.

Listening to F(x) - Nu Abo

Imma blogging again!

It been a year I have abandoned my dear blog and hardly to update one.
So, I decided to delete all the old post and make a new come again.
So I will try spend more time in my blog and try not to neglect my baby =D
I have miss lotsa thing in blogging. I rarely blog what happening around me within this year and didn't upload any photo. So, I gotta be hardworking on it.

So photo of the day is taken from my Cameroon Highland trip=D (for your info, I have cut short my hair to shoulder length)

Bye bye to my golden blonde long curly hair..
(Can't wait to grow longer..)