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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ha Lor Yogyakarta - Day Two (Part 1)

Today I will blog about my second day trip at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I will separate day two trip into two part because the post will be too long if I put in a post.

All of us woke up around 4 am in the morning on our second day and we depart from our  hotel at 5am to Borobudur once Mr Wisnu reached our hotel. Thanks to the hotel management for their morning call (thou they've greeted us wrongly but we appreciated for making the effor) and prepared us a simple breakfast to take away.

We ate our breakfast in our minivan while heading to Borobudur. We reached Borobudur at 6am and the sky is no longer dark like 6am at Malaysia. The sky was bright but not sunny. At first I was tempted to go Borobudur around 4am to watch sunrise but the entrance ticket price is freaking expensive like double the price of the normal entrance price. But I'm glad we didn't choose to watch sunrise as the surrounding of Borobudur are full of mist so definitely not a good choice. The weather on that quite cooling with the mist around. At the main entrance, we were greeted by the staff there and we are required to wear sarong while at Borobudur. Before I forget to mention, they provided free drinks too like coffee, teh and mineral water to the visitors.

 Our take away breakfast from hotel( bread with few flavor jam )

The market nearby the parking area

 The entrance
 The map of Borobudur

 The information house
 The path to the Borobudur
The 'How to Enter and Read The Relief of Borobudur' board that can be found along the path to the Borobudur. 
 The view of Borobudur before 'climbing' up

Below is the picture of Borobudur

 Top of the Borobudur

There are many group of students at Borobudur and mostly of us stopped and asked by the student to take pictures with them. It seems like tourists at Borobudur can be a day celebrity at there as there are many students will be asking you to take pictures with them. After one group of student then come another group of student. It can be non stop. (That is what happened to my bf..LOL..) After done taking photo at the top of Borobudur, we going down without making any stop as we don't want to be stopped by students again. 

*Have to be careful while going up and down as the gap of the stairway of Borobudur are high and many peoples using the same stairway to go up n down.

Once we reach the ground of Borobudur, all of us were surrounded by sellers. All of them were selling postcards, miniature of Borobudur and etc. These sellers are very enthusiasm in promoting their goods so they are able to sell their goods. (Thou I feel they are scary cause they keep on approaching us after we said 'No, thanks' or we shook our head) We need to walk a way round through some stalls before we reach exit.  

At this time, it was 8.30 am and the weather starting become hot and sunny. Luckily we went there early as it is getting more people at Borobudur plus the hot weather. 

Something That I know about Borobudur
Borobudur is 9th century Mahayana Buddhist Temple. Borobudur is one of the world heritage site  under UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur was covered by the volcanic ash from the eruption of Mt Merapi on 2010 and was closed down while worker cleaning the Borobudur from the volcanic ash. 

I think I need more time if I wanted to write about Borobudur as I need to do more research and read more about Borobudur. At the moment, information from Wikipedia about Borobudur is good enough for our understanding.

Till here, folks!

Bf and I at Borobudur



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