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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ha Lor Yogyakarta - Day 1

The day that we (my bf, besties and I)  longing for finally arrived. It was a group trip that we planned last year and we choose to go Yogyakarta, Indonesia instead to the city like Bandung or Bangkok. Thou I wanted to go to Bangkok again to shopping but I would loves to explore new places especially heritage place.

Day 1 :- 3 May 2013

We supposed to departure at 7am but our flight delayed to 10.45am. Well, things like that do happen anytime.  It took about 2 hours and 30 mins to reach Adisujipto International Airport. We reach there around 12.30 noon as Yogya's time. For your information, Malaysia's time is one hour faster.

After 10 minutes of flying, I took out my phone and start to take some pictures.

 View of the landscape from above

 Look at those clouds, don't you wish to cuddle those fluffy clouds?
I wish I can lay on it and cuddle it like my pillow. [This wish always remain in my dream =(.. ]

About 10 to 20 minutes before landing

The landscape view of Yogyakarta from above.

It was many peoples arrived at Adisujipto International Airport but luckily it doesn't take long for us to checking into Yogyakarta. It was superb pack at the arrival gate as it was surrounding by many peoples that welcoming their family member, tour guide looking for their tour group and some local driver seeking for potential customer that have just arrived. Luckily our tour guide, En Wisnu holding a paper written my friend's name on it and it is easy for us to find him. Then he went to take his mini van that can fit 10 people and he asked us whether hungry and what do we want to eat. We answered him ' Yesh, we are HUNGRY' (well,we are or maybe I'm stingy to have lunch in the plane as the food is very expensive..LOL) and we ask him to recommend us some good restaurant as he is familiar with the area.

He took us to a restaurant called "Bale Bengong Resto" nearby airport to cure our stomach first before we start our journey. The environment of the restaurant is nice and the air is cooling inside even though it is an open style restaurant and it is scorching outside. When we see the menu, all of us went blank for awhile as we trying to understand what is written in the menu. Luckily Mr Winsu are with us and he ordered the dishes for us.

 The interior of the restaurant

Paddy fields are found just beside the restaurant

 The list of the dishes in the menu

 The dishes :-
  • Fried tempe(one of the local dishes)
  • Fried taufu
  • Fried Gurame with sweet sour gravy  ( Gurame is known as Talapia at Msia)
  • Fried Kangkung
  • Fried baby lobster with tomato or sweet and sour gravy (Sorry, I forgot what gravy already)
The foods are DELICIOUS and it is CHEAP! It is hard to find good food with cheap price at Malaysia. We enjoyed our food slowly as we are waiting for the weather to be more sunny or warm instead of hot burning to travel to the next destination.

After our lunch, we went to Prambanan temple as we planned earlier in our itinerary. Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple site in Indonesia, and one of the biggest in Southeast Asia. It is also one of the world heritage site. So, it is a MUST TO VISIT! But there are some part of the temple was greatly damaged due to the Java Earthquake on May 2006. However, there are few small temples are being restored and are opened for visit. We were greeted by the staff at the entrance and it is compulsory to wear "sarong" when we are in the Prambanan area. The left side knot is for ladies whereas right side knot is for guys. (I guess it is a tradition and is a sign of respect to wear 'sarong' whenever in the temple)

 Miniature of Prambanan

One of the damaged smaller temples area surrounding Prambanan

At Prambanan too, we took a trailer bus to Sewu Temple as it is located about 800 meter to the south of Roro Jonggrang temple.


After a long hours of  walking at Prambanan, we decided to checked in to our hotel, Whiz Hotel that located along JL Dagen nearby with Malioboro street. After checked in and rest for awhile, we decided to have our dinner. Our tour guide recommended a restaurant named " Legion Resto"  that located beside Malioboro Mall when we ask him to recommend any restaurant that located around our hotel's area. Just a walking distance for about 5 to 10 minutes to the restaurant from our hotel. 

(from the first picture according to the clock movement)
  • Prawn
  • Satay Ayam (the meat is taste different with Malaysia's satay)
  • Grill fish (If I'm not mistaken is Gurame)
  • Tomyam ( It tasted sweet instead of spicy and sour )
  • Ayam with ulam 
We ended our day with another awesome dishes as our dinner. We slept early on that night because we need wake up at 4am in the morning for tomorrow's itinerary. Trust me, tomorrow journey are more adventurous.

Till here for today and I shall post for Day 2 at Yogyakarta maybe tomorrow.


 * Before I forget, the cleanliness of the public toilet at Yogyakarta is superb good. It is very clean all the time. (Thumb up)

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